Eitthvað svo rétt
Eitthvað svo óstöðugt
Snjóbungur eru opin form sem líkt og skurn eggsins vísa til upphafs.
Verkin eru steypt í mörg minni gifsmót og skeytt saman eftir á, þannig að ekkert verk er eins, endurtekin athöfn sem speglar sig í mismunandi tilbrigðum.
Something so fragile
Something so right
Something so unstable
Snjóbungur are open forms which, similar to an eggs shell, refer to a beginning.
The colors evoke textured nuance of the nature, that are innumerable and not monotonous, full of fear and hostile or as unspoiled source below cold ice.
They are cast in Stoneware, from many different parts and combined afterwards, so none of the object are exactly alike, repeated act that mirrors itself in different variations.