Eitt sinn, þegar ég var að fleyta kerlingar á Þingvallavatni, tók ég myndir á sama tíma. Form skálanna urðu til út frá hæfni minni hve oft steinninn skoppaði á yfirborði vatnsins og hvernig.
Once upon a time when I was “skipping old ladies (skipping pepples)” at the lake Þingvallavatn, I took pictures at the same time. The shapes of the bowls were created based on my ability in stone skipping and how.
In Iceland the expressions “skipping old ladies (skipping pepples)”, “Að fleyta/flytja kerlingar” is from the end of the 19th century. When a boat went to sea with an old lady on board and the waves were very strong and bounced the old ladies. The stones are called a kerlingar (old ladies), but the thought was to bring the “kerlingar” (old ladies) as far as possible.